
Senior Wellness: A Simple Guide on How to Keep Lungs Healthy

how to keep lungs healthy

As we age, it is more important than ever to prioritize our health and wellness. Taking care of our bodies is necessary to help us age gracefully and enjoy life to its fullest. One of the most important organs to take care of as we age is our lungs. Lung health is essential to maintain a high quality of life and reduce the risk of developing respiratory illnesses and diseases.

This blog post will provide a simple guide on how to keep lungs healthy to promote senior wellness. With the right lifestyle changes and preventative measures, seniors can ensure that their lungs are healthy and functioning optimally. So, let’s dive into the ways that you can keep your lungs healthy as you age. Here’s How to Keep Lungs Healthy.

1. Quit Smoking

For seniors who have developed the harmful habit of smoking, it is important to quit as soon as possible. Smoking can be bad for your health in so many ways. It can cause a variety of lung problems, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, and even lung cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, about 80% of all cancer deaths in the USA are caused by cigarette smoking. 

So, stopping smoking is a very important step towards improving your senior loved ones lung health. However, due to the addictive nature of smoking, it may be difficult to quit cold turkey. Luckily, there are various ways to help your senior loved one break the smoking habit that is so hard to quit. You may take the following actions in order to help you quit smoking:

  • Learn about the health risks associated with cigarettes and tobacco products.
  • Talk to your doctor about available treatments that can help you quit smoking. (i.e., nicotine patches, gum, etc.)
  • Join a support group where you can meet people who are also trying to quit smoking and share your experiences with them.
  • Find activities that can take your mind off cigarettes, such as playing a sport or gardening. 
  • Get rid of cigarettes and other tobacco products so they are not easily accessible when temptation strikes.
  • Make a list of reasons why you want to quit smoking, and refer to this list every time you feel tempted to light up a cigarette.

Your loved one will see gradual changes in their lungs as they quits smoking. They will feel less shortness of breath and notice that their energy levels begin to increase. After a few weeks, as the toxins are purged from the lungs, coughing will begin to subside, and breathing will become easier. This is one of the most effective way on how to keep lungs healthy.

2.  Getting Regular Exercise

how to keep lungs healthy

Exercise is one of the best ways to get and stay healthy. It also helps increase lung capacity and flexibility. When your senior loved one exercise, their heart beats faster, and their lungs work harder. Their body needs more oxygen to fuel their muscles. The lungs step up their activity to provide that oxygen While exhaling additional carbon dioxide.

But a senior not accustomed to regular exercise may find it hard to start exercising. Don’t worry! There are many ways to help your senior loved one get started. Here are some ideas:

  • Suggest that they exercise at least three days a week, but not more than four days a week. They will be happy if you let them choose which days they want to do their activities.
  • Encourage them by complimenting them on their efforts and asking them how they feel after physical activity.
  • Ask your loved one to join a walking club or activity center so that they are motivated by other people to stick with their exercise routine.
  • Do not push them or make it sound like it is something they have to do. Remind them of the importance of exercise and praise their efforts in getting active.

Also, choose physical activities that your loved ones may enjoy. Aerobic exercises for seniors, like walking, swimming, and riding a stationary bike, are good choices.

This exercise provides the best workout for your loved one’s lungs. The muscles between the ribs expand and contract, and the air sacs inside the lungs work rapidly to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide. The more they perform their exercise, the more efficient their lungs become.

3. Pollutants Should Be Avoided

The air outside is filled with pollutants. With the increase in fossil fuel usage, vehicle mileage, and industrial activity, the amount of toxins in the air has increased. Pollutants can be harmful to your loved one’s lungs; their lungs can no longer easily resist these toxins, which causes them to become vulnerable to disease and infection. So, it is vital to make sure that your loved one avoids exposure to these pollutants.

  • Avoid exposing your loved one’s lungs to secondhand smoke.
  • Do not let them have time outdoors when there are fires occurring or construction happening.
  • Avoid pollution from chemical fumes, such as paints and other chemicals.

A report from The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission stated that indoor pollution is usually worse than outdoor. That, plus the fact that lots of seniors spend most of their time indoors nowadays, raises exposure to indoor pollutants. You can reduce indoor pollutants by following these tips:

  • Replace their air filters at least once a month. Use high-quality air filters that can reduce the number of particles in the air.
  • Ensure proper ventilation in your seniors’ homes so that outdoor particles do not seep into the indoor environment.
  • When possible, use natural cleaning products and open the window when using fume-producing products.
  • Make home a smoke-free zone.

4. Keeping Infections at Bay

keeping infections at bay

A cold or the flu is commonly associated with a stuffy, runny nose and cough. That is because it is caused by viruses and bacteria that infect your lungs and make them inflamed. When your loved ones are exposed to cold and flu viruses, their respiratory system fails to get rid of the viruses properly. As a result, they develop more severe infections.

The best way to prevent your loved ones from getting sick is to make sure that they wash their hands frequently when exposed to other people. This way, the viruses that can cause serious infections will not have a chance to start an infection in your loved ones. You should also ensure that they take their medicine when needed.

5. Eat Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is very important in the prevention of lung diseases. So, you can feed your loved ones healthy food to increase their immune system and protect them against infections. Healthy food includes simple carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables, protein-rich foods like poultry and tofu, and enriched foods such as cereals with complex carbohydrates, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

Healthy, smart food choices can help your senior loved one reverse the damage caused by smoking. It will also reduce their risk of developing heart disease or diabetes related to increased toxins in their body.

6. Do Some Breathing Exercises

diaphragmic breathing

Deep breathing exercise is proven to improve lung capacity and increase the body’s oxygen intake. The exercise works because it increases the rate of respiration and causes the lungs to consume more oxygen than usual. It can help your elderly loved ones feel younger and increase their endurance level. There are two common breathing exercises that your loved one can practice at home or in public places: Pursed Lip Breathing and Belly Breathing, aka Diaphragmic Breathing.

1. Pursed Lip Breathing

This breathing technique reduces the number of breaths your loved one takes and keeps their airways open longer. More air is able to flow in and out of their lungs so they can be more physically active. 

This exercise is often easier for beginners; anyone can do it at home, even if no one has shown them how. The technique is simple:

  • Inhale slowly through the nose, making sure your mouth close 
  • Purse the lips as if you are going to whistle or gently blow out the candle.
  • Breathe out slowly through pursed lips. It should take at least twice as long as it did to breathe in.
  • Then repeat.

2. Belly Breathing, aka Diaphragmic Breathing

This breathing exercise engages the diaphragm, which is supposed to do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to breathing.

This technique is helpful in individuals with (COPD) or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease because the diaphragm is not as effective in these people and could be strengthened. The exercise is best used when feeling rested.

You must do the following :

  • Relax your shoulders and sit back or lie down.
  • Put one hand on the belly and one on the chest.
  • Inhale through the nose for two seconds, feeling the air move into the abdomen and the stomach move out. The stomach must move more than the chest does.
  • Breathe out for two seconds through pursed lips while pressing the abdomen.
  • Then repeat.

Final Thoughts

It is essential to take proactive steps to ensure the lungs remain healthy as you age. Avoiding smoking, maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding pollutants are all important steps. Additionally, getting regular check-ups and screenings is beneficial to ensure any underlying issues are caught and treated quickly. By following these steps, you can ensure that your loved ones are taking the necessary steps to protect their lungs and keep them healthy.

When you are not there for your loved one but want to have them accompanied all the time to be safe in their exercise routine, then having a reliable companion for the elderly is ideal. You can count on your relatives or close friend to do it for you. However, if you want professional care for your loved one, you have to find a professional individual who can give you the best experience of taking care of your loved one. Serenity Senior Care can be your choice for that. You can give them a call and get the list of their professional caregivers who are friendly, kind, and compassionate to take care of your loved ones’ needs and wants completely and utterly.

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