Little Known Facts About Exercises For Elderly – And Why They Matter

It’s a sad reality that our grandparents or parents may be in the later stages of their lives. But this doesn’t mean that they should stop working out! There are various exercises for the elderly that can help them ease the burden they feel in their joints, strengthen their bones, and improve their body coordination.
Reasons Why Elderly People Need To Exercise
If there is one thing that effectively combats many of the unpleasant effects of being old, it has an efficient exercise routine. Older adults must exercise due to many reasons though one thing that stands out is that exercise reverses many aging body processes.
Learning about the benefits of exercise in your retirement years might make you reconsider how you spend your time in retirement. While some of us look forward to champagne and casinos’ lifestyle, others are more interested in a more active life approach.
1. It keeps your brain healthy. Even if you’ve been neglecting your mind for the last few decades, there’s still a lot of life you can squeeze out of it. A University of Pittsburgh study says that the more you exercise, the lower your risk of developing Alzheimer’s dementia. The study found that regular exercise could give you an impressive 58 percent chance of keeping your mental faculties intact.
2. It keeps you fit. The same study found that exercise can prevent the onset of other conditions associated with aging, including Type 2 diabetes and obesity.
3. It makes you sleep better. A study by the University of Warwick stated that you could sleep better at night with regular exercise during the day. Exercises for the elderly also improves their sleep if their depression or anxiety causes insomnia.
4. It keeps your joints working smoothly. Our joints and muscles suffer as we age. To help them keep functioning well, we need to work our forces out. A Canadian study found that exercise keeps the elderly mobile and independent, helping them stay in their homes longer.
5. It helps your body lose weight and fat. Obese adults who took part in a weight-loss program had more success when they combined it with regular exercise than if they just dieted or took part in exercise programs alone.
6. It lowers your risk of heart disease. A study by Harvard Medical Center found that regular exercise could reduce your heart disease risk by as much as 30 percent.
7. It helps relieve stress and depression. When we exercise, our brain releases endorphins. These then help lift out mood. Many people also find it easier to let go of their unwanted worries as they concentrate on doing physical exercises like working out at the gym or doing a brisk walk in the park.
8. It helps people cope with pain. A study from the University of Bristol found that exercise is a better pain management tool than medication and yoga or meditation.
9. It helps to prevent osteoporosis. Exercising boosts our Vitamin D levels and maintains calcium in our body- strengthening our bones. These are all vital in preventing the onset of osteoporosis in life.
10. It improves muscle tone, balance, and coordination. Getting a bit unsteady on your feet as you reach your golden years? Exercising keeps you steady on your feet and improves your muscle tone and coordination.
5 Easy Bed Exercises For Elderly
It can be hard to allocate some time and energy when you feel stiff and tired, but we must never forget how vital exercise is to a healthy lifestyle.
However, a few exercises can be done in bed to keep your body limber without having to get up and out of bed. Here are 5 activities designed especially for people over 55:
1) Breastbone lift – Bend your knees while you turn them into your chest. As you do this, squeeze both your arms behind your back. Hold this position for 6 seconds and then release. Repeat 2-3 times.
2) Shoulder roll – Lift your shoulders, then down, and then sideways to the left and right. Do this ten times.
3) Leg stretch – Lift one leg and hold it straight up in the air for 10 seconds. Then slowly lower it back down to the bed without letting your knee touch the mattress itself. This exercise can cause muscle strain, so make sure you don’t relax your legs. Do the same routine with your other leg.
4) Stomach massage – Lie on your back with your arms by your side and repeat the following five times:
– Pull in stomach muscles for 3 seconds, then relax.
– Lift left knee to chest and massage belly for 2 seconds, then release and relax. Repeat with the right knee.
5) Shoulder roll/neck stretch – Rotate your head to the right as far as you can so that you’re looking towards the ceiling. Gently hold your head in this position for 5 seconds, then relax and repeat with your head to the left.
The best thing about these bed exercises for the elderly is that you can do them in the privacy of your own home. However, it is still essential to know that these exercises must be done properly and only after discussing them with a healthcare expert.
5 Core Exercises for Elderly
A few minutes of exercise will do you many wonders when you are already in your 60’s. A workout a day can enhance your health significantly. Here are 5 of the most straightforward core exercises for older adults to try without breaking their back.
1. Plank pose – doing this helps strengthen the arm and leg muscles as it stabilizes the body’s middle section. Moreover, when your lower back starts to hurt while doing this exercise, make sure to bend one or both of your knees so they will be directly underneath you and not in front of you.
2. Leg lift – lying on your back with your knees bent, lift one leg about 3 feet from the ground (hold onto a chair to make sure you’re not too unsafe) and then lower it to the ground, then repeat with the other leg.
3. Modified bicycle pose – this aids in strengthening abdominal muscles by turning side to side. It also helps open up the hip joints and buttocks, helping ease lower back pain if done regularly.
4. Standing chest stretch – facing a wall, place your hands on the wall with your elbows bent at 90 degrees. Place one foot in front of the other and stretch your arms and torso up against the wall. Make sure to keep your head level with the floor throughout.
5. Shoulder shrugs – stand up straight and relax your shoulders, then let them drop down (not down and forward) while you lift them towards your ears. Hold for a few seconds, then relax them down again. Repeat 10 times (3 sets). Caution: People with high blood pressure or aneurysms should not perform these exercises. If you have even minor symptoms of a hernia, consult your doctor first.
5 Back Exercises For Elderly to Try
One common problem that older adults face is back pain. Having back pains makes it difficult for them to move around and do things they usually do when younger. Fortunately, we can gather these 5 safe and easy back exercises for the elderly that they will need to be relieved from their back pain.
1. Back Extensions. Lie on your stomach with your hands back behind you. Using your arms, lift yourself off the floor 5 inches and hold that position for 5 seconds. Then return to the floor. Do three sets of 10 lifts
2. Cat & Dog Stretch. It is a great stretch for the lower back and spine. On all fours, arch your back up as high as possible without lifting it off of the ground while simultaneously tucking your chin in toward your chest. Hold for 5 seconds, and then relax. Do this 3-5 times, as many times a day as possible.
3. Lie on your back with both knees bent. Place both hands on your back with the fingers pointing toward your waist. As you take a deep breath in, trace the fingers along the spine and massage it in a downward direction for 5-10 seconds, then return to starting place as you exhale out. Repeat this sequence 3-5 times daily
4. Knee Bends. This exercise is good for the lower back and glutes. Lie on your back with both of your hands behind your head. Bend the right knee up toward the chest, then straighten it again while maintaining the same position in the torso. Repeat 20 times per day
5. Leg Lifts. This exercise is good for the back and glutes. Lie on your back and lift both legs so that the lower leg is parallel to the floor. Hold for 2 seconds, then lower them back down. Do this exercise 3-5 times a day
Aging does not have to be unhealthy and ugly. With the help of frequent exercises, we all can age healthily. A study shows that active people live longer, have more energy, maintain their mobility, and see mental health improvement.
Being active can also help you maintain your independence and prevent falls. You can improve your posture and develop stronger leg muscles to add more balance to your body by participating in a regular exercise program. Also, increasing your aerobic capacity and engaging in strength training reduces your risk of falling and having fall injuries.
We understand how hard it is for the elderly to stay fit and sound since they are already concerned about their physical capabilities. Ensuring that the elderly members of your family are still fit despite their age is one thing that we give importance to here at Serenity Senior Care.
If you might need experts in taking care and facilitating exercises for the elderly, do not hesitate to send us a message at You can also give us a call at 973-338-0124, and we will be glad to assist you!
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