
Respiratory Infection In Seniors: Understanding How It Occurs and Learn About Prevention

respiratory infection

In most cases, those who fall into the seniors’ group have a higher risk of infection when compared to their younger counterparts. This may be complex to understand at first because elders aren’t a very susceptible section of the population. They have fewer allergic reactions and, thus, are more resistant to any infections. Respiratory infections are a menace that has become quite common among the elderly.

In this article, you will be able to learn about the causes of respiratory infection in seniors and maybe even what you can do about it.

What Is a Respiratory Infection?

A respiratory infection is an infection that affects the respiratory tract, which includes the nasal passages, throat, windpipe, and lungs.

Respiratory infections can be caused by viruses (such as colds), bacteria, or fungi. Viral infections are the most common type of respiratory infection. They usually cause colds or flu-like symptoms such as sore throat, coughing, and sneezing. Bacterial infections are less common than viral ones. Still, they can occur if you have had a lung operation or weakened immune system due to other health problems like diabetes or cancer treatment.

On the other hand, Fungal infections are less common but maybe even more dangerous. Fungi are usually found in the mouth, nose, and throat. They can spread to other parts of the body and cause serious complications such as pneumonia.

Senior respiratory infections may cause more severe symptoms than colds or the flu because older adults’ lungs and airways (called the airway tree) are often damaged. The respiratory tract becomes less flexible as we age and takes longer to heal. This makes it easier for infection to occur and harder for people to get better.

Who’s Most at Risk?


1. Elderly People

They are more prone to respiratory infections because of the changes in their immune systems. Their bodies no longer manufacture as many antibodies, and illnesses like emphysema and bronchitis further weaken them. As mentioned before, they are more susceptible to severe cases of these conditions and get sick much faster than others. This can create an infection that is hard to treat quickly.

2. People with a chronic respiratory condition

chronic respiratory condition

This condition makes you more prone to infections. It occurs from long-term inflammation in the airways, and instead of being able to cough out impurities, you’re left with a build-up that causes irritation and discomfort. This can lead to many infections, and they are more common in patients who have been diagnosed with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).

3. People who live in a poorly ventilated house

If your home is poorly ventilated, you are likely to have a higher risk of developing respiratory conditions. You may ensure that you are secure from these diseases even if they do hit by living in a better-managed home with enough fresh air.

4. People taking high doses of steroids

If you have an issue with your immune system, you will have an increased risk of infection. But if it’s on steroids or another medicine that boosts your body’s immunity, this risk is even higher. For example, if you are taking chemotherapy for a disease such as cancer, you will be more prone to infections because this medicine destroys your immune system too much.

5. People with allergies

Allergies constitute a significant risk factor for almost all forms of respiratory infections. Those with bronchitis are more prone to severe cases when you have an allergy because your airways can’t breathe properly. If you suffer from this condition, make sure that you stay away from any areas which might trigger an attack.

6. Smokers and drinkers

senior smokers

The simple fact that you smoke or drink alcohol will put you at risk of developing a respiratory infection. It’s not only because you inhale those substances but also because it destroys the airways too much. This is particularly true for heavy smokers who have a higher risk of bronchitis and emphysema. 

7. People with preexisting health conditions

People who have an existing health condition causing them to be more prone to any infections will also be more likely to get it. If you have diabetes, you are more likely to develop a disease because of a body’s immune system failure. Likewise, getting one is also higher if you previously had a heart condition or some other infection. 

What Are the Symptoms of Respiratory Infections?

Airborne bacteria or viruses cause lung illnesses. These infections can be mild and go away on their own or become severe and require treatment.

These are the most common symptoms in Seniors:

  • SORE THROAT: Swollen throat with pain and tenderness
  • RESTLESSNESS: Shaking, shivering, or trembling of the body. Also, aching or sore muscles, fever, and a throbbing headache.
  • FEVER: Fever above 101 F (38.9 C) with chills and sweating. Also, you may have a sore throat from drinking mouthwash, which is antibacterial.
  • FATIGUE: Weakness, fatigue, and loss of energy. Also, you may feel too warm and sweaty.
  • DIFFICULTY IN BREATHING: Shortness of breath, wheezing, and gasping for air. Also, you have chest pain or tightness with coughing.
  • COUGH: Coughing up green or yellow mucus or blood-tinged sputum. Also, you have tightness in the chest that worsens when you cough.
  • DIARRHEA: Diarrhea with sudden abdominal cramping, pain, and bloating
  • EYE REDNESS AND ITCHING: Redness and watery eyes, along with eye itching.

How Do Respiratory Infections in Seniors Occur?

weak senior health

There are many different types of respiratory infections. They can affect adults in ways that are similar to children. The symptoms may vary depending on the severity of the sickness and the afflicted part of the body. It’s always important to check with your health care provider if you think you have a severe condition so they can advise you as to whether or not you may need an antibiotic or other treatment.

Here’s how some of these infections occur:

  • AGING: The immune system gets weaker due to age. This can create a weak point in the respiratory system, making it more likely to develop an infection. Since seniors are at an increased risk of diseases, this may happen once or twice during their lifetime.
  • MEDICATIONS: Older adults take more medications, which can create an issue with their immune system. They take these medicines that may weaken their immune system while also having an existing infection. 
  • LACK OF VENTILATION: People who live in areas with little to no natural airflow are at risk of impacting their lungs. This can lead to an illness that’s a nuisance and hard to treat quickly, especially if it doesn’t heal without medical help.
  • ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Certain areas or places can create breathing problems. This includes farms, construction sites, and smoggy cities. 
  • CHILDHOOD INFECTIONS: If you’ve had the flu or pneumonia before, you’re likely to get it again since once you have one infection, your body becomes more susceptible to others.

How Can I Prevent Getting a Respiratory Infection?

Respiratory infections aren’t always preventable, especially if you live in an area that causes airway issues. This can include places with many pet hair, dander, and high pollen counts. Here are simple precautions to take if you want to increase your chances of avoiding infections:


Taking antibiotics isn’t always necessary for respiratory infections. If your body is fighting an illness on its own, do not take medicine unless your doctor advises you.


senior wash hands

Germs and bacteria can enter your body through your mouth, nose, and eyes. Washing your hands several times a day is the best way to stop them from getting into your body. If you’re unable to wash your hands, use alcohol-based hand sanitizers instead.


You must stay home when you’re sick and not go to work. This way, you can take the time to rest and avoid the risk of spreading germs to those around you. 


The flu vaccine will help you prevent the flu and lessen the severity of your symptoms.


Crowded places can spread germs through the air. This includes libraries, cafeterias, and shopping malls. If you prefer to be around others when you’re sick, avoid these areas and choose to stay home instead.


Keep your home clean, particularly in the bathrooms and kitchen. Use antibacterial cleaners on all household surfaces, including the sink, floors, and tables, to prevent the spread of germs.


senior proper diet

Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Also, make sure you eat foods that boost your immunity, such as fish and nuts. If you’re able to, drink plenty of water daily as it will keep your body hydrated and reduce the risk of infections in your chest and lungs.


Getting plenty of rest is essential in helping your body recover from infections. Older adults know all about the benefits of taking time for themselves and prioritizing sleep.

Final Thoughts

Respiratory infections can affect older adults in the same way they do children. The symptoms may vary depending on the severity of the illness and the area of your body affected.

Are you looking for trusted and reliable senior care for your loved one? Serenity Senior Care can help you find the best care for your senior loved one. We have been providing affordable and quality senior care. We offer a wide variety of care options, such as assisted living, respite care, and hospice care. 

We believe in the value of family, and we go over and beyond to ensure that our clients’ loved ones are well-cared for. We encourage clients to have a say in their family member’s care, and we do our best to respond to their every need. Our goal is to keep them happy, healthy, and at their optimum level of independence for as long as possible.

If you’re interested in learning more about the services, we offer, set up a free consultation with one of our experts today.

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