The Harms of Self-Medication and Self-Diagnosis

Self-medication and self-diagnosis have been a recent issue and/or problem since it can cause a lot of problems. It usually affects seniors since they are left alone, and that is why home care services in Bloomfield, New Jersey are necessary.
What is self-diagnosis?
Self-diagnosis is the action of diagnosing and treating oneself without the supervision of a physician or qualified medical professional. It is the diagnosis of a disease or other medical condition by a person who has no professional training in that field.
What is self-medication?
Self-medication is the act of treating emotional or physical pain with psychiatric or medical drugs without the supervision of a physician. The use of medicines without medical guidelines can be dangerous. Therefore, it may lead to side effects and complications that can lead to death.
Why do People Self-Medicate?
1) They suffer from an underlying mental disorder that is exacerbating their original physical health problem.
2) They are experiencing intense emotional pain and want to numb the feeling.
3) They want to avoid interactions with other people, because they feel inadequate or embarrassed about their condition.
4)They are not happy with how they appear and therefore don’t attend to their health needs.
5)They just don’t like doctors.
6)They are depressed and therefore treat themselves with drugs or alcohol.
7)There’s not much else to do in their lives, and so they take their focus off their problems.
8) They are seeking the next high, whether it comes from a drug, food, or even talking about how bad they feel.
9)They spend time with a crowd that does not encourage healthy behavior.
10) They have always been the one to take care of things (including themselves).
Here are some of the negative effects of self-medication and self-diagnosis:
- Leads to further complications
The wrong medications can cause a mistake in the dosage or incorrect choice of administration. It can cause reactions in your organ systems and delay the treatment period. When symptoms persist, nursing care in New Jersey is readily available!
- Resistance of pathogens
This is a very dangerous result of it. It can cause the resistance of different common pathogens to the existing medicines available. It is a big problem in the medical community.
- Dangerous drug interactions
A patient might have an allergic reaction toward a certain drug. So, it is important to know what one is taking and what he/she is allergic to. It can cause very dangerous interactions in your body systems.
- Side effects of self-medication and self-diagnosis
This happens due to the wrong medication or wrong dosage that you are taking. So, it can cause dangerous side effects to your body systems. You should be extra careful while you are taking any drugs. You should consult a physician for any kind of medical issues.
So, people should always consult doctors or nurses before taking unprescribed medicines. This a friendly reminder from your number one trusted provider of senior care in New Jersey, Serenity Senior Care. Inquire and contact us today!