
Understanding dementia with behavioral disturbances

dementia with behavioral disturbances

Dementia usually affects the memory, behavior, and cognitive abilities of elderly people. As a result, there may be fear and confusion since dealing with memory loss is difficult. It is not uncommon for people with dementia to lash out or to be irritated constantly. It is important to deal with these behavioral disturbances with care, including agitation, anxiety, and depression.

In addition, dementia may make it difficult to function at home and at work. For example, agitating people with dementia may be frustrating for family members and caregivers. This can lead to conflict or neglect. It is important for family members, caregivers, and psychiatrists to understand these behavioral symptoms of dementia so they can provide care and support that is helpful for the person with dementia.

It affects people in different ways depending on the types of symptoms they have. For example, vascular dementia causes people to lose their ability to think and reason. It also affects the way a person handles money and other daily tasks. This can cause problems for family members. In addition, depression is common in people with dementia because of their emotional state. Finally, behavioral disturbances can make it harder to care for someone and provide the support they need.

What are the behavioral disturbances of dementia?

Behavioral disturbances may be known as the challenging part of dementia. These disturbances are not only difficult for the people suffering from dementia but also for the people around them. Oftentimes, they would just refuse help and get irritated in they would also get suspicious of other family members and caregivers.

There are different types of behavioral disturbances which are mood disorders, sleep disorders, psychotic symptoms, and agitation. Although symptoms of dementia cannot be avoided, there are ways to deal with them better. Routine is important for people with dementia as little disturbances can trigger them immediately. Hence, 

However, these behavioral problems can be actually managed and prevented by avoiding triggers.

How to handle behavioral disturbances of dementia

There are different ways of handling behavioral disturbances. It all depends on the person and the severity of it. Remember that there may be a reason why they are behaving this way.

The most common way is through medication; unfortunately, these medications do not work for everyone with dementia. Hence, the second option is to look into other forms of treatment such as physical training, occupational therapy, and art therapy. 

Physical training is important for people with dementia as it increases their appetite and makes them want to be more active. By doing physical training, the muscles of the person would not get weak so that they would not feel depressed or stressed about getting old. Occupational therapy is also important because it may help increase their cognitive abilities and eventually improve their sleeping pattern. 

Art therapy is another option as a way of treating behavioral disturbances. It is very important to have the support of people who care and don’t feel afraid to talk about their needs, frustrations or concerns.

The most important part here is communication and support. If a person with dementia feels that family members don’t understand them and aren’t willing to help, they might be offended. This could lead to more behavioral problems for the family. Hence, it is important to be open about the behavioral problems of dementia.

Predicting and preparing for behavioral disturbances in dementia

There are a few things that could predict behavioral problems. For example, early or advanced stage of the disease could be linked with worse behavior. 

Behavioral disturbances can be also prevented by taking medications and setting up routines for the person with dementia. Being attentive to the behavior of the person with dementia will help set them up for better lives.

The effects of behavioral disturbances on the person with dementia

For the people around the person with dementia, it is important to understand that the behavior of their relative could be related to their illness. Although they may not be able to handle it, these reactions could cause panic and stress for family members and caregivers. 

It is important for the family members and caregivers to be open about their needs so they can receive support. This will help them feel confident because they won’t feel unimportant or weak.

It is important to understand that events and conversations could trigger the behavioral problems of dementia.

For instance, a person who experienced a lot of loss or had an unhappy childhood may decline in behavior due to these events. However, family members and caregivers should not be more hurt because of their reactions. Instead they should understand their behavior and try to be gentle even if they are aggressive most of the time.

In short, it is important to know that behavioral disturbances in dementia are common and can be treated. Family members and caregivers should not feel guilty for the reactions of their loved ones. Instead they should try to learn how to live with them more comfortably.

What are the triggers for behavioral disturbances?

People suffering from dementia have a hard time dealing with changes. As such, change is considered to be the top trigger for them. Any changes in their environment can be a trigger for a behavior change. It is possible to discuss how dementia will be managed and which behaviors will need to be improved with health professionals, specifically psychologists. 

Another trigger they may experience is misperceived threats. The confusion they feel makes some actions by people around them or certain events seem as if they are a threat to them.

Behavioral disturbances can be avoided with proper medical care and education. A treatment plan can be developed for each dementia patient. Aside from medications, some non-drug options are available to help people with dementia decrease their agitation and aggression.

How to deal with behavioral disturbances?

Dealing with dementia will not become easier, however, one can make it manageable as a caregiver to family members. For instance, keeping a healthy lifestyle can help in maintaining their mood with good sleep habits, healthy meals, regular exercise, and good socialization.

Behavioral disturbances cause a lot of stress and energy for both the patient and the caregiver or family member. There are other ways for you to spend time and deal with their symptoms:

  • Be calm when their agitated or irritated
  • Take the to day trips
  • Use memory tools to help them remember things
  • Let them rest

As a caregiver or family member, it can be stressful and exhausting on your end. Caregivers must stay physically and mentally strong to care for their loved ones. Here are a few things you can do to de-stress:

  • Talk to your friend and/or family members
  • Don’t talk personally about the words or actions people with dementia throw at you
  • Seek professional health care or professional

Are you having difficulties in dealing with the behavioral disturbances of a loved one with dementia? Don’t hesitate to comment below!

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