Why Should You Get a Flu Shot?

September’s here as well as the flu season. Seniors aged 65 and up are more susceptible to getting flu than their younger counterparts. One common type of flu this flu season is influenza. Influenza can sometimes be mild, which shows some similar symptoms with that of a bad cold, such as fever, sore throat, cough, headache, runny nose, muscle and joint pain, and fatigue. These usually last for about a week. However, urgent medical measures are required in severe cases when symptoms worsen for over a week.
What Should be Considered Before Getting a Flu Shot?
A person with a severe allergy to the antibiotic neomycin should not get the vaccine because it is a component of many flu vaccines.
- People who ever had Guillain-Barre syndrome should talk to their doctor before getting vaccinated against influenza because this disease can be caused by viral infections, so they will want to know if there is a risk that this might happen again.
- A senior who had an allergic reaction to a flu vaccine in the past should not get the vaccine again.
- Individuals already sick with fever should postpone getting a flu shot until they recover.
- A person who has ever had a life-threatening allergy to the antibiotic gentamicin or other medicines in its family should not get vaccinated because it is used as one of the ingredients in some flu vaccines.
- A person who has severe allergies to any of the ingredients in the vaccine including eggs, or who is allergic to latex, should not get vaccinated.
- Pregnant women should talk with their doctors before getting an injectable flu vaccine because of the theoretical risk that it could cause problems in a very early pregnancy.
- A person who is receiving any medicine that weakens the immune system should consult their doctor about getting the vaccine.
The flu vaccine is a wonderful tool for preventing the flu virus. If you are in good health, getting a flu shot can prevent you from getting sick and may even save your life.
It is important to be wise when it comes to getting vaccinated because it is one of the tools that we can use to avoid people getting sick and prolonging their lives. Do not pass up this opportunity to help yourself get well! But never forget to consult your doctor first before getting any flu shots.
As your neighborhood provider of nursing care in New Jersey, we urge you to be prepared for the flu season. Our first line of defense against flu is to get vaccinated.
Here’s how getting a flu shot can benefit you:
Prevents Serious Flu-Related Complications in the Elderly
Flu-related complications are more common in the elderly, and may be life-threatening. This season’s flu vaccine protects against three different influenza strains that have been implicated in serious illness this year. Studies show that being vaccinated lowered the risk of hospitalization by two to three times, especially for people with certain chronic conditions.
Promotes Elderly Health
Flu is potentially life-threatening with the highest death rate among those 65 and older. The elderly are at risk because their immune systems are weaker, making them more susceptible to flu disease and its complications. The vaccine can lower the chance of getting sick, and if they do get sick it can lessen the severity of illness.
Provides Strong and Long-lasting Protection
Flu vaccine is the best protection available, with an estimated 70% effectiveness, meaning that people vaccinated against influenza are 70% less likely to get the flu compared to those who receive a placebo (inactive) vaccine. Vaccine effectiveness during the coming flu season will vary from year to year because it depends on the strains of viruses circulating in your community at that time. Recently updated data show that vaccination rates in people over 65 years old have reached effective levels this season as well.
Prevents Spread of Influenza
Influenza spreads from person to person when an infected person coughs or sneezes, creating a fine mist of virus in the air. The flu virus is relatively fragile and vulnerable to these small “droplets” of watery mucus. A vaccinated person exposed to these “droplets” can significantly reduce the chance that he or she will become ill by developing antibodies that protect against flu.
It’s Easy to Get a Flu Shot
Primary care providers recommend that patients get their flu shot at the beginning of each flu season, starting in October. There are many convenient opportunities to get a flu shot: At the doctor’s office, walk-in clinics, pharmacies and senior centers throughout the community. You might also want to consider having your loved one vaccinated in a community setting, where it is easier to reach and serve large numbers of people on a daily basis.
It’s Effective in Preventing Flu Illness
Most people who get the flu have it for only a short time. The vaccine is meant to protect against infection, which is why it has to be repeated each year, and why the most common side effect after vaccination is mild soreness at the shot site.
It’s Affordable
Flu shots are offered free or at low cost to people in Medicare, Medicaid and the military. Even if you have insurance, you may still be able to get a free or low-cost flu shot through your own health plan. We recommend checking with your health plan to find out these details.
Getting a Flu Shot is a Good Way to Care for Your Loved Ones
If you are 65 years old or older, ask your doctor for a flu shot so you can protect yourself and others. Even if you don’t get sick yourself from the flu, you could still get other people sick. By getting a flu shot every year or two, you lower your chances of infecting others.
The Risks of Not Getting a Flu Shot
A flu shot might seem like a small inconvenience, but it can be the difference between life or death. Every year, thousands of Americans die as a result of not getting their influenza vaccinations.
Skipping out on your flu shot leaves you vulnerable to all the nasty side effects that come with being infected with the influenza virus. Flu symptoms include fever, chills, sore throat, coughs and headaches. You also could end up in the hospital on the IV, meaning a whole lot of time and money spent.
If you’re worried about getting the flu shot, just remember that these risks are a whole lot smaller than the ones associated with developing an influenza infection. Millions of people get their flu shots each year, and there are very few side effects reported. All those aches and pains are nothing compared to medical bills or even death.
If you’re not sure if you should get a flu shot, let your doctor or nurse provide some helpful advice. He or she may recommend getting the vaccination against the influenza virus throughout your entire life, just to be safe. Spring is a great time for getting tested to see if you’re susceptible to the flu and shots are cheap and easily attainable.
We, at Serenity Senior Care, provide you with immunization assistance and home care services in Bloomfield, New Jersey. We value you and your health. You can count on us to help you schedule and assist you to get the flu vaccination you need today.
Remember, when it comes to senior care in New Jersey, we are always here ready to help you. Contact us now at 973-338-0124!